Sports Carnivals

I am currently sitting here listening to the sound of hundreds of school children cheering on their teams at the top of their lungs.

The Team chants have hardly changed from when i was at school. There is still so much excitement in their voices, so much encouragement from the teachers running the carnivals.

It is good that even with so much technology at their fingertips these days, there are still children happy and enthusiastic about taking part in sports carnivals.Wanting to do their best, to help their team, to get a new Personal Best.

Children today are in a way, no different to the children of generations past. They just want to have fun, spend time with their friends, push themselves, challenge their limits, do one better than they did last time.

Sport carnivals bring out the best in people… yes, the worst at times, but mostly, the best.

Sportsmanship. Teamwork. Encouragement.

Offside Memories

I had friends who used to do Athletics. My offside memories are of them teaching me how to race walk. It took quite a bit to learn. Unlike them, I didn’t have an athlete’s body- heck, I still don’t have an athletic body today (but now I realise I am who I am).
I must have looked quite a sight back then. Big chunky me waddling along in an awkward hasty gait trying to race walk with added “hurdles” (gutters, logs, strategically placed umbrellas, etc) alongside people half my size (almost literally in every way imaginable) striding along in front of me, easily doing it and looking completely normal in the process.

Looking back now, I must have been a sight. But now I am able to have a chuckle and realise that it didn’t matter how I looked, or what people thought of me. The fact was that I was having fun with those I cared about, I was spending time with friends and I was being active.