Scared of the unknown… And family history.

I woke up this morning and noticed a small pinkish mark on my breast. I won’t lie. I’m shit scared. I’m not sure if it’s real or I’m imagining it, but I thought I felt a small lump underneath the small pink dot too.

I know I should get it checked ASAP, it’s best to get it checked and be reassured it’s nothing than to ignore it and find out later it is something sinister. But I’m scared. There have been quite a few women on my maternal side who have all been diagnosed with breast cancer, it’s killed some and others have been lucky enough to get treatment early enough to be still here on Earth today.

I don’t know who to reach out to. I sent hubby a text, but he’s flat out at work so may not be able to check his phone until this evening. I’m tempted to contact 3 friends I trust with my life, but there’s nothing they can do and I don’t want to worry them. I should make an appointment with my doctor but we’re in the middle of a pandemic and I don’t want to unnecessarily go to the shops or doctors at the moment.

Just when I thought I was finally getting somewhere in life, I get another curveball.