
The past 24 hours has been a whirlpool of so many different thoughts and feelings. I guess it’s been a lot longer than a day, it’s been weeks, months, even years.

I’m constantly thinking about so many different things all at once. I think it’s these mingled thoughts that often have people misunderstand what I truly mean to say.

Yesterday’s post was a bit of a mix of many thoughts that I wanted to get off my chest but in doing so, different ideas got mixed up but when reading through it afterwards, it still seems to make sense to anyone reading it. I think it’s only me who knows exactly how many different trains of thought are mixed up in that piece.

I just hope I haven’t stuffed up by my words being interpreted wrongly.

Maybe this will be a lesson to not bottle up my thoughts and then spill them all out at once like several thousand piece jigsaw puzzles mixed together. The pieces may fit together, but that’s not how they’re meant to be seen.

In hiding…

I guess you could say I’ve been in hiding for the past several months.

Hiding from the reality of what is this crazy fucked up world. Hiding from the virus. Hiding from life. Hiding from people I’d usually stop and talk to if I went out for a walk or to the shops.

I’m hiding from myself.

But while I have been in hiding, I learnt so much. I learnt who my true friends were. I learnt who I could talk to. I learnt who to trust.

I learnt that it is perfectly fine to cut people out of my life if they were making it toxic. I learnt that loud people who are often in my life aren’t necessarily the same people who would sit in the dark in silence with me because just being there was so much more meaningful and important than saying a single word from a distance.

Hiding has shown me what is truly important right now.

Hiding has shown me who I need in my life right now.

The who is not always surprising… It’s the deepness of the emotional side of things. It’s watching a long term friendship get deeper than you ever imagined. And that’s something that puts butterflies in your belly. You live for the interaction. You live to get their messages or hear their voice.

It’s hoping that you brighten their day, even if it’s just giving them a glimmer of hope because without them, you’re not sure if you still want to live.

I guess I’m saying it’s important to keep in contact with those who you respect, love and care about. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they look like. If they make you smile, let them know. There is so much crap going on at the moment and no-one really knows when it’s all going to end… If at all. In the meantime we can be nice to each other. Little random acts of kindness never go unnoticed. The person on the receiving end may not speak out about it but that may be because they are lost for words.

A smack in the face.

I know i have been absent for quite a while. I feel really bad about it. I have thought about so many things to write and blog about, but when it comes to the point of actually doing it, i just can’t.
My brain won’t work, my fingers won’t type out the words i want to say.

A couple of weeks ago i got an out of the blue phone call from my Mum. We might talk on the phone once every few months and only really catch up in person 2 or 3 times a year, and the visits barely last more than an hour. This call was a real smack in the face for me.

Anyway, she rang me to tell me that she was just diagnosed with “BC”.
She hates saying the word “cancer” let alone “Breast Cancer” which took her Mum, my Nan, just a few years ago.
She has told me that she does NOT want me to come to any of her appointments and to just let her siblings (the 2 that threatened to hurt my family and I) do everything for her. I think that comment hurt more than hearing that she actually has cancer.

I rang her a couple of days ago to see how she is doing and what tests, etc she has done recently.
She’s had multiple blood tests, biopsies, scans and who knows what else done.
I have told her to stay strong. To listen to the Drs, to get them to explain things over and over again until SHE understands them, not just tell her siblings what is going to happen and leave my mum in the dark about what will happen to her body.
I have explained to her that by what she has told me, it sounds like she may need an operation to remove the damaged/cancer tissues within her breast. She may then need further treatment to make sure that all the bad cancer cells have been killed off or removed.
I just hope she is stubborn enough with her siblings (like she is with me), to be able to have final say in everything that is happening with her on this journey she is about to take.

Yes, my Mum can be a bit of a hard case and she can get annoying. Yes, she may have hurt me during my childhood, but i am grown up enough to be able to put those things aside to help her when she needs it most as at the end of the day, I want HER to have final say in what happens with HER own life. Unfortunately her siblings have previously tried to get her put into a home or institution of some description. She would not do very well at all in a place like that. She is capable of looking after herself, she can and does control her own finances. She does not need a carer.
My biggest worry is that her siblings will make her sign something which will only benefit them and their wallets. I am scared for her. I am scared for what they have planned to do behind her back.

I just wish she could see through their masks, their lies and them being 2-faced to her and realise that i just want what is best for her. That i want her to have a say in everything that will happen in the coming weeks, month and years.

Light at the end of the tunnel

I see the light at the end of the tunnel, I am hopeful of getting answers to my continuing pain.

Recent blood test results showed some abnormal levels which has my doctor thinking I could possibly have Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Today I have to have some scans done so further testing can be done to confirm if I do in fact have RA.

A part of me hopes that I do, I just want answers so I can look into the illness more, do I can research what I can do to help myself. There is also a part of me who wants to find out this is not RA… But then it leaves me where I was. Still in pain with no idea why.

I currently feel scared. The first part is in just over 7 hours time but I can’t sleep. My mind is racing, anxiety is rising, negative thoughts are present and pushing past the few calming slivers of hope that I have left.

I don’t know how long it’ll take to get the results, but I’m hoping not more than a few days.

If this isn’t RA, I want to keep pressing on… I want to get to the bottom of this pain. I want answers. I have put up with the pain for far too long.


The winds are howling,

Crying out to those they’ve lost.

The winds are howling,

Warning those to turn and recede.

The icy winds cut like a knife,

Severing life and limb and taking lives.

The icy winds cut like a knife,

No one is safe from their deadly bite.


Listen to what she has to say.


Take her advice, stay away.

If you must go,

Do not blame me.

She tried to warn you,

She is the vicious sea.

Speak or shut up.

I think it’s time to make some noise. I have been far too quiet for far too long.

There have been many times when i have wanted to write, but i guess life or something got in the way and i just never got around to it.

It is the early hours of the morning and i am meant to start work in a little over 7 hours time. I simply can’t sleep though. I have so many unanswered questions racing through my mind.

You see, it seems we have light-fingered people in our house. It has to be one of the children which makes me sick to my stomach just admitting that. Hubby and I have been collecting coins for them. Coins which are only face value when released but soon enough increase in value- and could possibly one day help them to go through tertiary education or buy a car or get them one step closer to their dream. But that won’t happen now as a number of those coins have disappeared from where we had them. It is so incredibly disappointing to think that someone feels a need to take something (from our bedroom, mind you) without simply asking us first.

I just don’t know what path to take. Do i go to the extreme of taking all the kids to the local police station and ask the police to explain to the kids what happens to people who steal things? Do we search through their bags and belongings in hope that they have hidden the coins somewhere in their school bags or bedrooms? I am simply at a loss.

I feel like such a failure of  parent. A sad and sorry excuse and by no means a good role model for them; i mean, if i WAS a good role model, why would they feel a need to steal from me?

I am lost. I am not only a pathetic excuse of a mother, i am a horrible wife too as how could i let my children do such a thing to us… What have I done to make them feel that i deserve to be treated in such a way? It doesn’t make sense.

I am at the point where i feel i can’t go to sleep in case whoever it is, comes into our bedroom while we sleep and try to find something else to take.

I just don’t know what to think anymore….. 😦

Late night ramblings

Slouched in bed,

My husband snoring next to me.

The TV is my only company.

Sharp, piercing pain shoots through my back and down the length of my legs.

The professionals say there is nothing wrong.

How is this normal!?

My biggest vice is not speaking up, I suffer in silence. It’s what I deserve.

I feel like a nobody and at times it feels like that’s how I’m treated too.

I will never be someone’s princess.

I will never truly be appreciated or respected.


I have been having some physiotherapy sessions over the past month or so. I went in with an open mind and even though things felt worse for a while I believed the physio when he told me it’ll take time. Nothing happens immediately.

I have had physio in the past both privately and through the public health system, each one had their own way of “fixing” me.

This one’s speciality however was Dry Needling. After each session I would be in pain and the pain would worsen in the days that followed. At one session I told him that I didn’t think dry Needling was right but he said although he heard my concerns, he knew best, so he did it again. On the final visit I told him how much worse the pain was but again he insisted the dry Needling would work. I hobbled out of his practice to my car. It took me twice as long to get home due to the pain I was experiencing and weakness I was getting in my legs.

I have since been in much more pain, my back pain (reason I went to him in the first place) got so bad I ended up in the local hospital Emergency Department. I’m now on various pain relief and cannot work until I’m cleared by my doctor.

Some days I can get around slowly, other days I can barely stand up let alone move.

I’m worried my children will not have the Christmas they deserve as I’m not sure how if I’ll get any more shifts at work before we close for the school holidays. If I don’t recover fast from this most recent bout of back pain, I’m not going to get shifts which will mean I won’t get paid which will in turn mean no money for gifts. ☹️

Some days my life sucks.

In the blink of an eye

In the blink of an eye things can change.

Well, not actually change, but there may be one moment of your life where you suddenly say “Whoa!” and realise that the life you’re living is not really like the life most of your friends are living.

You never realised it before, but you’re actually a nobody in a world full of somebodies.

Before i met my husband, i was an equal with all the people i knew. I had been raised in a modest home with “Use your common sense” as pretty much the only hard and fast rule set out for my life from those who raised me.
I had lots of pets so was always kept busy (and out of trouble) looking after those animals. I earnt money from buying, breeding and selling pets. I enjoyed it, it was fun, i learnt many lessons doing so.
I had a small group of close friends.

Fast forward to when my husband and I started dating. We often went to music concerts. I assumed it was because he enjoyed music (I have a big love of music too), but more often than not, each concert we’d go to, we’d end up backstage after the show chatting with the artist/band/singer for a while- sometimes a short while, other times for hours. It all depended on the night.
He never made a big deal out of it, so i guess that’s why i guess i just took it in my stride and assumed that was how people usually behaved at concerts (NB: I had never really been to concerts before meeting him.) Occasionally we’d travel hundreds or thousands of Kms around the country following particular bands or singers. They were always glad to see him at their shows.

The more children we had, the less live music we got to see. I was OK with that. We could still listen to our favourite music at home or in the car.

As the children started to grow up a bit more, hubby’s amount of participation in his favourite sport increased too. Not only did he still play for the local Club, he was now also playing in Representative teams and Master’s Competitions as well as receiving calls to play elsewhere in Invitational tournaments. He seemed to be getting quite a reputation for not only all the time and effort he puts into promoting the sport and increasing participation across all programs/age groups, but also for how he himself plays.
He had also been called up on a few occasions to take part in campaigns and promotions, some of which have been used Nationally, on TV and online.

This brings me back to the beginning of this post.
How, in the blink of an eye, your life can change when you realise just how different things are now to what they once were.

Going through the contacts in mine and Hubby’s phone, there are quite a few well known names. People who i never expected to meet face to face in my life, let alone have their personal contact details.
Those of Musicians who i admired growing up and into my adult life, Artists who i have highly respected and admired for as long as i can remember, TV/Social Media Personalities, Elite Sportsmen and women who currently play or did play at State, National and International levels and other well respected people.
I know, at the end of the day, all these people are just like you and I, but some days when I get a chance to just sit down, think and reflect, I can’t quite believe that these people have been willing to want to give us their contact details, let alone want to know as as more than just “that random spectator or audience member”.

It all seems to happen in the blink of an eye.

Simple Pleasures

  • A smile from a stranger
  • The sun shining on your back
  • Warm hands on a cold day
  • Patting a baby animal
  • Finding money you forgot you put in a safe place
  • Talking to a close friend
  • Hearing a favourite song on the radio
  • Having a loved one kiss or hug you for no reason
  • Looking through old photos
  • A full tank of fuel
  • Licking cake batter off a spoon
  • Seeing a shooting star
  • Stopping to smell the roses
  • Jumping in puddles