DP: Obsession CAN be healthy.

Something that I have written about a number of times here and will be writing about again tonight is my obsession with moving to the country and starting a new life with my hubby and children.

This is a dream I have been getting more and more obsessed with over the past few years.

All I want is a cosy home to raise a family in with enough room to grow a few fruit trees, have a vegie garden and maybe a few pets (chickens & a dog or two).
I want my children to attend the local school, I want my family to become a part of the community joining the local sports clubs and community organisations.

I want to be able to walk down the street and be able to say “Hello” to people I know.

I want to be able to let my children play with their friends, to live in an area safe enough for my children to walk or ride to school on their own without being in fear of having someone kidnap them… or worse.

I obsess about running a small business one day, preferably a little shop attached or close to our family home.
In it we will sell tea & coffee with tasty cakes, slices and biscuits just like the ones my grandmother used to make. Malted milkshakes and jars of lollies. It will be like you have stepped back in time.

Also for sale in my little shop will be craft items, gifts, preserves & knitted items made by the local community. The walls will be covered in beautiful photos of the surrounding area taken by both me and other locals.

My obsession will be a place that locals and tourists alike want to visit, hopefully frequently.

Until that day happens… IF it happens… I will continue to obsess about my dream.




Daily Prompt: When Will I Be Loved?

I not only wonder when I will be loved, but more importantly IF I will ever be loved???

I want to be known as the lady who come into a small country town with a crazy idea. An idea which changed the town forever… for the better.

The lady who was so passionate about her idea that she did everything she could in her power to bring her dream to life.

The lady who came into the town with her hubby and 4 kids as a stranger, possibly even looked at as a threat to some but in a short amount of time, the locals realised she had the town’s best interests at heart.

I want to be looked at as the lady who promoted all the hard work of the locals, all the beautiful produce grown in the area, all the gift ideas and preserves and such made by the locals.
I want to be the person who helped to bring money into the town. Money for not only the local families, but also the town in general and charities too.

I want to keep the smells, tastes and views of yesteryear as fresh as the day we live in. I want to promote home grown and locally made products and produce.

I want my children’s attendance at the local schools to be a blessing, my dreams of being a “some body” rather than a “no body” to become a reality.

I want to be able to work next to my husband and children. I want to run a small business that helps not only myself but also my community.

I want to help change children’s lives with the skills I have to give if I was to work in a small country school.

My dreams may not be those of being famous and well known around the world, but I believe if I can make these dreams of mine come true, then I will be very important in the lives of those that matter most.
I’ll be famous and important to my family and community and that is all that will matter to me.



DP: Fight the Power

When I fought the power it wasn’t against the government, or the police but it was against my Mum.
I actually stood up for myself and my children rather than cower in a corner and hope everything just goes away on it’s own.

Over the years I have done this a number of times now. I have stood my ground and tried the best I can to keep my children and myself safe from my Mum’s words and actions.
I’m not sure if she realises she snaps as much as she does, but it’s not nice being in the same area as her when she has one of her “episodes”.

My Nan (her Mum) and I both wish she would just go to the doctor and have a good chat and have a proper health check up, not just physical health but mental health too as that is where I believe a lot of her issues lie.

It takes a lot of guts for me to stand up to Mum and to tell her to stop what she’s doing or saying.
Having my kids has helped me be a stronger person. I feel that I have to defend my kids when I feel they are right or haven’t done anything wrong, regardless of what the other person thinks.



Daily Prompt: Wanna be friends?

I think finding new friends can be easier said than done depending on where you are.

I find those living in rural areas to be easier to get chatting to and possibly even become friends with.
I find the older generations far easier to chat to than what I do starting a conversation with people my own age.

I find that living in a busy crowded suburb of a major city, most people seem to be too busy with getting from A to B that they forget it is important to keep in touch with others, that it is OK to flash someone a nice friendly smile and say hello as you pass them in the street.

Unfortunately, there is also a class of people who believe they are too good for everyone else, they believe they are much more important than the rest of the community and have no interest in anyone or anything but themselves.
It is people like this who usually end up being old sad people with no friends at all.

I love having a chat to people. Everyone has a story, some more interesting than others but it’s still their own life story and it is important to them.
If you ever see me in the street, smile. It doesn’t cost anything and will brighten my day. 🙂


I want to pull my hair out and SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have to have a bit of a whinge, a vent. If I don’t put it out there, I am scared I will explode from frustration and anger.

Last week my hubby and I went away for a few nights.

We stayed in one of the nicest locations I have seen in my life. It was at the foot of an escarpment with a rainforest nearby and native wildlife all around.
The sound of whip birds, bell birds and lyrebirds filled the sweetly scented air.
A Brush Turkey was often seen walking around the property where we were staying. It was so quiet that it walked to within about a meter of me. It was almost close enough to reach out and touch.

It all sounds great so far doesn’t it…
That’s because I haven’t said anything about the accommodation.

We stayed in a Luxury Bed and Breakfast/Retreat. Adults only, it didn’t cater for children under 18years of age. It still sounds great, doesn’t it?
We were even lucky enough to have the place to ourselves for the first 2 nights of our 3 night stay.

Our room however, wasn’t what we expected it to be.

Not long after we had arrived and taken our bags inside we found the Itchy Grubs. Little furry caterpillars that I remember my grandmother warning me about as a child. Warning me not to go near them.
It wouldn’t have worried me too much if they were outside but they were inside. Crawling around the floor, crawling on the walls… I went to the door opening out to the balcony and found the curtains infested with the hairy grubs. I freaked out at this point so my hubby found a way to safely relocate the caterpillars outside. Out of the 100+ grubs he got rid of for me, only a couple didn’t survive. We were staying in an eco-friendly retreat after all.

Our hosts were no where to be seen. We briefly meet one of the hosts and told them of our find (all the caterpillars) but we told that it was nature and we were near the rainforest and there was nothing they could do other than what we had already done.

The nightmare continued the following morning when I went to have breakfast. The cereal I opened up was not only past it’s use by date but it also had weevils in it. Thankfully there was some other cereal selections to choose from that were within the use by date so I had one of those instead.
We looked at the other food and beverages that had been left for us to use and we found the coffee was 11 months past it’s use by date as well.

There were good bits about where we stayed, it had a spa, the bathroom vanity/basin was big enough to put the kettle under to fill up so we could boil water and it was located in beautiful surroundings.

The infestation of caterpillars scared me to the point where I couldn’t get a proper night’s sleep for the duration of our stay.

The next time we saw our host was the night before we were due to leave. We once again told him we had found many, many more caterpillars since we first spoke to him and all he could reply with was that it was nature as not something he can control.
I also informed him about the food being past it’s use by date and he simply said it must be the supplier’s fault- not his.
As compensation for the bad experiences we had, he offered us a deal, “Pay for one night, get a 2nd night for free”. I’m not sure I would take him up on that offer for fear that the caterpillars would be there again if we went back.

For a couple of days after we got home I couldn’t help but think about our stay and our experience.
It got to the point where I just HAD to email the host we had spoken to and tell him all about our experience before I went doing anything rash like giving the business bad reviews online or naming and shaming the business (which I still have not done).

A couple of days later I received an email in reply. I was hoping that he would have been understanding and try and help us or even offer to refund a night’s accommodation or something but he went along with the same “pass the buck” stories claiming that because we were so close to nature, there was nothing that could be done about the caterpillar infestation; trying to tell me that the reason the food was past it’s use by date was the fault of his supplier, not his fault.
I found it very disappointing that he didn’t seem to want to admit at being at fault at all. I felt he was constantly just trying to pass the blame onto someone else.

A few friends have asked us about our time away and we tell them that the area is great and we recommend they go there sometime themselves, but we just cannot recommend that they stay where we did.

The host was always saying how it was “a Luxury Retreat/BnB accommodation”, but our personal experience was far from Luxury. The only real luxury feature would have been the spa bath.

If you have read this far, I thank you.
I hope you never end up staying in accommodation similar to what we did.

Hopefully our next holiday will memorable for all the right reasons.

Daily Prompt: Make me smile.

One thing that never fails to put a smile on my face is watching “kids shows”, regardless of if my children are around or not.

Shows which never fail to make me smile (and usually laugh) are Wallace & Gromit, Shawn the Sheep, Timmy Time and other Aardman shows.

There are also a number of movies made for kids but some of the jokes within the movies are definitely for adults. DreamWorks does a great job in keeping adults amused during their “kids movies”.
Some such sneaky gags can be found in Hotel Transylvania, Tangled and all the Shrek movies.

I think everyone should be free to watch whatever genres of shows they want to without having to worry about what others will think of them.

I have been interested in Claymation and animation for most of my life. At first I enjoyed the shows simply for what the show was about but as I became a teenager and then an adult, I was watching the shows in awe of the artistic genius and talents of the teams involved with making the shows.

If you haven’t been a big fan of these types of shows in the past, maybe it’s time to sit down and just watch one to see what it’s all about. If the movie itself doesn’t interest you, look into it deeper- think about how many people have made this, what was used in the making of it, how it was made, how much time has gone into it.

One thing which does make me laugh is how some animation/Claymation shows have out-takes, bloopers, deleted scenes and such. It almost makes you forget, even if just for a second, that someone (or a group of people) have decided to spend a lot of extra time to make these scenes for our enjoyment.


In a nutshell…

In response to today’s Daily Prompt: http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2014/04/06/daily-prompt-in-the-summertime/ , I would have to say some of my fondest Summer memories would be when I was driving my kids around after their weekend sport, driving them to a park to play at before going to visit my grand mother, driving them to the park where their Dad was playing sport so we could sneakily watch him play for a short while or to drop my son off as he took a real interest in watching his Dad & his team play and he wanted to be a part of that team too.
Towards the end of the season my son did get to go to every game and he even got to join in a few times which gave his self esteem a HUGE boost.

I would have loved to have said I did something I enjoyed, but I haven’t really been in a great place over the majority of the past year so I guess I have tried to live through other people I know and love.

Maybe next Summer I will do some things that I enjoy doing.
Maybe next summer I will go to places that I want to go to.
Maybe next summer I will get out with my camera more.

Next Summer……………………